

Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium that are surgically placed into the jawbone. They serve as a sturdy foundation for replacement teeth, like crowns or dentures, offering a durable and natural-looking solution for missing teeth. The process involves multiple stages, including implant placement, osseointegration (fusion with the bone), and attachment of the prosthetic tooth. It's a common and effective option for restoring oral function and aesthetics.


Periodontics is a branch of dentistry that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases that affect the supporting structures of the teeth, such as the gums, alveolar bone, and periodontal ligament. Periodontists specialize in managing conditions like gingivitis and periodontitis, which involve inflammation and infection of the gums and surrounding tissues. They also perform procedures such as scaling and root planing, as well as surgical interventions to address advanced gum diseases.


Routine Dental Exam & Check Up

Our Treatments are evidence based. We use a range of up-to-date clinical criteria to measure disease and assess our patients' response. This ensures maximal benefit is attained from our treatments.

We have a rigorous cross infection control to protect ourselves and our patients. We involve patients in all treatment decisions. All procedures within the practice comply with current guidelines regarding cross infection. All instruments are cleaned and washed in a special bath, bagged in individual pouches and sterilised in an autoclave between every use. Disposable items are used where ever possible.


Pediatric Dentistry

Dental examinations are done with digital x-rays achieving 90% reductions in radiation exposure. Oral Hygiene preventive care by our excellent team of dental surgeons helps kids in maintain good oral health resulting in less cavities / teeth problems. We use advanced techniques like application of dental sealants / Fluoride treatments for overall cavity prevention and for greatly enhanced protection from tooth decay especially in the vulnerable molar areas.This is because Milk teeth are the foundation on which the permanent teeth are formed. We generally suggest a sixth monthly check-up to spot early signs of tooth decay or gum diseases. For young adults we provide space maintainers for proper alignment of teeth and correct placement of permanent teeth.

Hollywood smile

A Hollywood smile refers to a cosmetic dentistry treatment that aims to create a flawless and aesthetically pleasing smile, often associated with the dazzling smiles of Hollywood celebrities. This typically involves various dental procedures such as teeth whitening, veneers, dental crowns, and sometimes orthodontic work to achieve a perfect and radiant smile. The specific treatments vary based on individual preferences and dental needs.

Clear Aligner

A clear aligner is a type of orthodontic device used to straighten teeth and correct bite issues. Unlike traditional braces with metal brackets and wires, clear aligners are transparent, removable trays made of plastic or acrylic material. Popular brands include Invisalign and ClearCorrect. Clear aligners gradually move teeth into the desired position by applying controlled and gentle force. They offer a more discreet and comfortable alternative to traditional braces, as they are nearly invisible and can be removed for eating, brushing, and flossing. Clear aligners are often used for mild to moderate orthodontic corrections.


Dental Fillings

A filling is a way to restore a tooth damaged by decay back to its normal function and shape. When a dentist gives you a filling, he or she first removes the decayed tooth material, cleans the affected area, and then fills the cleaned out cavity with a filling material.

By closing off spaces where bacteria can enter, a filling also helps prevent further decay. Materials used for fillings include gold, porcelain, a composite resin (tooth-colored fillings), and an amalgam (an alloy of mercury, silver, copper, tin and sometimes zinc).


A full mouth denture, also known as a complete denture, is a removable dental appliance that replaces all the teeth in either the upper or lower jaw or both. These dentures are used when a patient has lost all of their natural teeth due to reasons such as decay, gum disease, or injury. Full mouth dentures are custom-made to fit the patient's mouth and are typically made from acrylic or a combination of acrylic and metal. They help restore the appearance, function, and support of the jaw and facial muscles for individuals who have lost all their natural teeth.


The most common fixed appliances, braces consist of bands, wires and or brackets. Bands are fixed around the teeth or tooth and used as anchors for the appliance, while brackets are most often bonded to the front of the tooth. Arch wires are passed through the brackets and attached to the bands. Tightening the arch wire puts tension on the teeth, gradually moving them to their proper position.

Oral Surgery

Oral surgery is a specialized branch of dentistry that involves surgical procedures in the oral and maxillofacial region, including the mouth, jaw, and face. It can encompass a range of treatments such as tooth extractions, dental implants, corrective jaw surgery, and addressing issues related to the oral tissues and structures. Oral surgeons, also known as oral and maxillofacial surgeons, undergo additional training beyond general dentistry to perform these surgical interventions.

Root Canal

Root canals are recommended or needed when there is an infection deep within the tooth. The pulp inside the tooth can become infected with bacteria because of an injury or because of a severe, untreated cavity. Without treatment, the infection can become severe enough that the tooth has to be removed. If your dentist has recommended the treatment, here is a step-by-step guide of what you can expect during and after the procedure.


Prosthodontics is a branch of dentistry focused on the design, manufacture, and fitting of artificial replacements for teeth and other parts of the mouth. Prosthodontists specialize in creating dental prosthetics such as dentures, bridges, and dental implants to restore or replace missing or damaged teeth. They aim to improve both function and aesthetics for patients with dental issues.

General dentistry

General dentistry encompasses a broad range of dental services focused on maintaining oral health and preventing, diagnosing, and treating common dental issues. General dentists are primary care providers for dental health and perform various services such as regular check-ups, cleanings, X-rays, fillings, and basic treatments for gum and tooth problems. They may also educate patients on proper oral hygiene practices and provide guidance for overall dental care. If more specialized care is needed, general dentists may refer patients to specialists like orthodontists, oral surgeons, or periodontists.


Teeth Whitening

Tooth whitening lightens teeth and helps to remove stains and discoloration. Whitening is among the most popular cosmetic dental procedures because it can greatly improve how your teeth look. Most dentists perform tooth whitening.